Selected Poems by Knuts Skujenieks published in Poland and Bulgaria
Корен в хоризонта / A Root in the Horizon
Translated by Aksinia Mihailova
Sofia: Foundation for Bulgarian Literature, 2009
ISBN: 978-954-677-056-1
Selected poems by Knuts Skujenieks have been published, concurrently, in two European countries. Polish publishing house Anagram has published the volume There Won’t Be another Bridge (Innego mosto nie będzie) and the Foundation for Bulgarian Literature in Bulgaria has released his book of poems A Root in the Horizon (Корен в хоризонта).
Poems by Knuts Skujenieks, written between 1978 and 2007, have been translated into Polish by Justyna Spychalska. The author of the Bulgarian translation is Aksinia Mihailova. The Polish publishers pay tribute to the author: “there is no doubt that Knuts Skujenieks is one of the most distinguished poets not only in Latvia, but also in Europe. We believe his poetry will be welcomed by the Polish readers who are open to new foreign writers.”
The publication of both volumes has been supported by the Latvian Literature Centre in cooperation with the Culture Capital Foundation program Latvian Literature in the World.
Knuts Skujenieks is one of the most widely translated Latvian poets. His books have been published in Swedish, Ukrainian, Armenian, Lithuanian, English, Czech, French, Turkish, Icelandic, Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, German and other languages.
Selected Poems by Knuts Skujenieks published in Poland and Bulgaria
Innego mosto nie będzie / There Won’t Be Another Bridge
Translated by Justyna Spychalska
Warsaw: Anagram, 2009
ISBN: 978-83-60422-09-0
Selected poems by Knuts Skujenieks have been published, concurrently, in two European countries. Polish publishing house Anagram has published the volume There Won’t Be another Bridge (Innego mosto nie będzie) and the Foundation for Bulgarian Literature in Bulgaria has released his book of poems A Root in the Horizon (Корен в хоризонта).
Poems by Knuts Skujenieks, written between 1978 and 2007, have been translated into Polish by Justyna Spychalska. The author of the Bulgarian translation is Aksinia Mihailova. The Polish publishers pay tribute to the author: “there is no doubt that Knuts Skujenieks is one of the most distinguished poets not only in Latvia, but also in Europe. We believe his poetry will be welcomed by the Polish readers who are open to new foreign writers.”
The publication of both volumes has been supported by the Latvian Literature Centre in cooperation with the Culture Capital Foundation program Latvian Literature in the World.
Knuts Skujenieks is one of the most widely translated Latvian poets. His books have been published in Swedish, Ukrainian, Armenian, Lithuanian, English, Czech, French, Turkish, Icelandic, Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, German and other languages.
Sandras Kalnietes romāns izdots arī arābu valodā
Ar balles kurpēm Sibīrijas sniegos
Sphinx Agency for Arts and Literature, 2009
ISBN: 978-977-6299-XX-000
Ēģiptes izdevniecībā „Sphinx Agency for Arts and Literature” klajā laists Sandras Kalnietes romāns „Ar balles kurpēm Sibīrijas sniegos”, kas arābu valodā tulkots ar angļu valodas starpniecību.
Sandras Kalnietes romāns „Ar balles kurpēm Sibīrijas sniegos” ir visvairāk tulkotais latviešu mūsdienu literatūras darbs, tas jau iznācis Francijā, Zviedrijā, Vācijā, Nīderlandē, Itālijā, Somijā, Čehijā un ASV, romāns tulkots arī krievu valodā. Romānā „Ar balles kurpēm Sibīrijas sniegos” sižetiski un kompozicionāli pārdomātā izklāstā autore ietvērusi savas ģimenes vēstures traģiskāko stāstu, mātes un tēva, viņu senču izsūtījumu uz Sibīriju. Dreifeldu un Kalniešu dzimtas individuālās drāmas metos ir tipisks latviešu tautas likteņscenārijs, tāpēc grāmatas kopuztverē zūd robeža starp savu un svešu sāpi, jo sasniegts augsts mākslinieciska vispārinājuma spēks.
Sandras Kalnietes romāna izdošanu atbalstījis Latvijas Literatūras centrs sadarbībā ar Valsts kultūrkapitāla fondu kultūras programmas „Latvijas literatūra pasaulē” ietvaros organizētajā konkursā „Atbalsts ārvalstu izdevējiem Latvijas literatūras tulkojumu izdošanai”.
Semyon Khanin’s Selected Poems Published in the Czech Republic
Akropolis publishing house has published Compulsive Motions, a book of selected poems by Latvian Russian poet Semyon Khanin, translated into Czech by Libuse
Belunkova and illustrated by Dora Dutkova and Martin Kubat.
The volume features translations from two books of poems, Just Now (Tikko, 2003) and Missing Details (Izlaistas detaļas, 2008). The publication of Semyon Khanin’s poems has been supported by the Czech Culture Ministry and the Latvian Literature Centre in cooperation with the Culture Capital Foundation program Latvian Literature in the World.
Following the successful participation of Latvia in the Prague Book Fair 2006, several books of Latvian literature have been translated into Czech, Inga Abele’s A Changing Wind and Pauls Bankovskis’ Cheka, Bombs and Rock ‘n’ Roll, among others.