BIBLIOGRAPHY – Eriks Adamsons

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-Sapņu pīpe [The Pipe of Dreams], compiled in 1942-1944. Riga: Jaunā Daugava (2004)
-Saules pulkstenis [Solar Clock]. Riga: Latvju Grāmata (1941)
-Ģerboņi [The Heralds]. Riga (1937)
-Sudrabs ugunī [Silver in the Fire]. Riga: Self-published (1932)


-Sava ceļa gājējs [Walking My Way]. Magazine Tēvija (1943-1944). Riga: Karogs (1992)

Short Fiction

-Abakuka krišana un citas noveles/ Le chute d’Habacuc et autres nouvelles [The Fall of Habakkuk and Other Stories/ Le chute d’Habacuc et autres nouvelles]. Riga: Omnia mea (2000)
-Lielais spītnieks [The Mulish One]. Riga: Zelta Ābele (1942)
-Smalkās kaites [The Refined Ailments]. Riga: Valters un Rapa (1937)


-Nagla, tomāts un Plūmīte [The Nail, the Tomato and the Little Plum], with Aleksandrs Čaks. Dailes Theatre (1932). Riga: LVI (1958)
-Seši krusti [Six Crosses], written in 1933/ Selected works. Riga: LVI (1957)
-Mālu Ansis [Ansis, the Clay Man], written in 1938/ Selected works. Riga: LVI (1957)

Children’s Books

-Koklētājs Samtabikse [Samtabikse, the Kokle-Player/Long poem]. Riga: J. Kadilis (1943)
-Čigānmeitēns Ringla [Gypsy Girl Ringla/ Long poem]. Riga (1939)

Collected works

-Ralsti 1-2 [Works in Two Volumes]. Stockholm: Daugava (1960)

Selected works

-Dziesmas par labu dzīvošanu/ dzeja [Songs About Good Living/ poetry]. Riga: Nordik (2008)
-Dāvana [A Present], Selected Short Stories. Riga: Daugava (2000)
-Sudrabs ugunī [Fire-Framed Silver], Selected Poetry. Riga: Zinātne (1989)
-Sapņu pīpe [The Pipe of Dreams], Selcted Poetry. Riga: Liesma (1967)
-Izlase [Selected Works]. Riga: LVI (1957)
-Sapņu pīpe [The Pipe of Dreams], Selected Poetry. Stockholm: Daugava (1951)


-Mīlestības tuvskati [Close Ups of Love], Letters of Ēriks Adamsons and Mirdza Ķempe. Riga: Pils (1998)

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